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Why translate your website into Italian?
3 reasons to consider

Clara Giampietro - Manufacturing, Technology, Architecture Translation into Italian

Whether you run an online business or one with a physical location, your website is important to your growth and success.
In this post, I share with you three reasons why you should consider investing in translation to grow your business in Italy.

If your website is in English, and one of your target markets is Italy, Italians might find it difficult to understand your content. Actually, the majority of them do not speak English at a professional level—or they do not speak it at all.

Consequently, not translating your content into Italian you are missing out on many business opportunities in Italy.

But what if your website had an Italian translation?

Your Italian visitors would certainly feel welcome. And this could mean better sales and business possibilities for you.

Here are three reasons why.


A website is the most effective tool you have for being found in online searches.

Your potential Italian customers look for information about products or services using search engines like Google. They type words in Italian and expect to find recommendations in their language.

From its part, Google “tries to find pages that match the language of the searcher” by analysing the content of every page of websites.

If you do not translate your website into Italian, Google will recommend other sites with content in Italian over yours.

On the other hand, when you translate your website into Italian, you create more opportunities for Italian visitors to interact with your content.

So, you can enjoy more traffic to your website.


Your website is the place where you give information about you, your business, your values, and your products or services. For instance, your customers go there when they want to learn more about you or a particular product or service you offer.

In their report, “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy”, the Common Sense Advisory (CSA Research) reported that 75% of internet users prefer to buy from websites written in their native language. Moreover, 60% rarely or never buy from English-only websites.

With an Italian translation of your website, you open up a dialogue between your business and your Italian visitors in a language they can clearly understand.

Therefore, you can build and maintain great business relationships with them one text at a time.

Communication matters.

So don’t just speak to your customer, talk to them.


It is very easy to derail business relationships through what you say and how you say it.

Spelling or grammar errors, terminology mistakes, incorrect technical concepts—even something apparently as small as punctuation—can unintentionally send the wrong message.

After all, your readers cannot see your good intention on the page of your website.

Professional translators can be of help. In fact, they know how to choose the perfect words, terminology, style, and tone to communicate your message in effective, natural ways.

As a result, your business will appear more real, professional and trustworthy and you will earn your customers’ loyalty.


Whatever the services you offer or the products you sell, having an online presence in Italian is important to:

  • gain more visibility in the Italian market
  • communicate better with your Italian customers
  • earn trust from your customers in Italy

Therefore, consider translating your website into Italian to connect with new customers in Italy, expand your brand awareness, increase trust and conversions, achieve your goals, and maximize your ROI.

Have you ever thought of translating your website professionally? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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